
GB7DT (New! 70cm DMR)

Keeper / NoV holder: Andrew Green [M1AEG]
Band: 70cm Channel: RU75
Output frequency: 430.9375Mhz
Receive Frequency: 438.5375MHz  colour code 7

We Now host GB7DT on our mast on 70 cms TG9 slot 1 for local and TG950 slot 2 for the greater southwest.
The RX frequency 430.93750Mhz TX frequency is 438.53750Mhz.
So set you radio to receive 430.9375Mhz
And transmit on 438.5375Mhz colour code 7
ie TX shift of +7.6Mhz

The Southwest Cluster DMR network is a digital radio system that covers the Southwest of the UK. Think of it as a really advanced amateur radio network that lets people communicate clearly over long distances. It's really popular with raynet and  hams. The cool thing about DMR is that it lets multiple people talk at the same time on the same channel, so it's perfect for large groups or events.

last edited 04/02/2025


Keeper / NoV holder: MIKE BUNDY [G4WVD]
Band: 2M (RV58))
Output frequency: 145.7250 MHz
Receive Frequency: 145.1250 MHz
CTCSS tone: 77 Hz.

GB3NC Service area covers most of Mid Cornwall from our Hensbarrow location.


The Yaesu DR-1X 2 metre repeater GB3NC is currently configured for FM analogue voice only and may be accessed with a CTCSS tone of 77 Hz .The repeater Input is on 145.125 Mhz and the output is on 145.725 Mhz.

The repeater uses a radio infrastructure FVC6 co-linear with a gain of 6dB. The antenna is fixed atop our 100’ (33m) mast which is at 1000’ (300m) ASL on Hensbarrow Downs. GB3NC runs at about 10 watts with an ERP of about 25 watts.

Echolink is available, hosted by Roger Gregory G4OCO and the node number is 282184. It is recommended that stations wait for the second Pip to allow echolink to respond and others to break in on a QSO.

GB3NC is our primary repeater for mobiles around the county of Cornwall - we believe that Mobiles should be granted priority over fixed stations.

We host the RSGB news on Sunday morning at 09:30 hours with a roundup for reports afterwards.

The MCBARG maintain the equipment and the repeater keeper NoV holder is Mike Bundy G4WVD.

last edited 05/02/2025



Keeper/NoV holder: MIKE BUNDY [G4WVD]
Band: 70CM (Rb15))
Output frequency: 433.3750 MHz
Receive Frequency: 434.9750 MHz

This is a multi-mode DIGITAL VOICE repeater. This repeater also has ANALOGUE VOICE capability [CTCSS tone is 77 Hz]

This Digital Repeater has C4FM/FUSION capability.

GB3HB is a Dual Mode repeater with access for either C4FM or F3E but not cross mode.

The repeater input is on 434.9750 Mhz and the output is on 433.3750 Mhz with 77hz sub tone access. The repeater uses two Diamond X200 antenna with a gain of 6dB. The antenna is fixed near the top of our 100’ mast which is 1000’ ASL on Hensbarrow Downs in the St Austell Clay district.

When in C4FM mode, GB3HB now has a remote internet gateway feeding digital voice from the open source YSF System (Yaesu System Fusion). The system behaves in a similar way to the proprietary Yaesu Wires-X system but is not cross compatible with it. The two systems are independent of each other.

To use the system press and hold the “Wires-X” button on your C4FM radio and it will return a list of reflectors to which you can connect.

The full reflector list can be found here :-

The system dashboard is available here:-

GB3HB runs about 5 watts with an ERP of about 12 watts. The MCBARG maintain the equipment and the repeater keeper NoV holder is Mike Bundy G4WVD.

last edited 05/02/2025


The ATV Repeater NoV Holder is Kevin Francks M0BFB.

Stations transmit digital pictures on 2m, 70cm and 2m and receive television pictures using the 23cm band.

Stations using GB3NQ may use relatively cheap 23cm transmitters and receivers using one of the Portsdown or Minitioune/Ryde projects available from the BATC (British Amateur Television Club) or suitable DVBS-2 satellite set top boxes -check suitability before purchase.

The input frequency is 146.5Mhz, 437Mhz and 1249 MHz and the output 1316 MHz with a symbol rate of 2000 and an FEC 4/5 DVBS-2. Although GB3NQ has audio through, stations often use talkback on the 2 metre frequency of 144.750 MHz or via GB3NC repeater on 145.725Mhz.

The new digital repeater electronics were constructed by Paul G6MNJ using the British Amateur Television Club Portsdown transmitter and 3 Ryde receivers which are all based around a Raspberry Pi 4.

A 150 watt power amplifier is driven by a 18 watt pre amplifier, both run considerably under power to remain linear - a must for digital ATV.

GB3NQ runs in Beacon mode between Midday and 9pm when it plays out a video for 30 minutes. When running between 10am and 10pm it may be accessed at any time with a valid digital television signal on 2m, 70cm or 23cm.This would be a symbol rate of 333Ksymbols/s on 2m or on 70cm and 23cm symbol rates of 333, 1000 or 2000 Ks/s.

The repeater transmits on 1316MHz 2000Ks/s FEC 4/5 DVBS-2.

GB3NQ was originally constructed by two local amateurs. Maurice G3WKF and John G0VDU. Maurice, a mechanical engineer, made the high quality filters for the input and output of the repeater and also the 4 faced lantern antennas required for the transmitter and receiver which are still in use today.

GB3NQ can be HD live streamed by using the link below

The above picture is the recent upgrade by Paul G6MNJ and Keith G0KTD and the rack has been donated by Luke M6YEN
The above picture is the recent upgrade by Paul G6MNJ and Keith G0KTD and the rack has been donated by Luke M6YEN