Ham Stuff


If you are interested in becoming a Radio Amateur then the Cornwall Radio Amateur Club can help you become one. Below are the three stages required by the RSGB. We encourage everyone to progress to the full licence however there is no requirement and you can stop at any stage and still have a call-sign which will start with M6 for Foundation, 2E0 for Intermediate, and M0 for Full licence. For more information please feel free to email anyone of the two instructors below.

Rick Hall (G4PGD)
Rick Hall G4PGD: 07817 257299 rickhall01@gmail.com (Course Tutor)

Mike Bray (M0MBZ)
Mike Bray M0MBZ : 07940 420725 mike-bray@hotmail.co.uk (Course Tutor)

Course Secretary is:
Ken Tarry G0FIC: 01209 821073 pendennis38@btinternet.com

There are currently three levels of license:

Foundation: includes practical elements and a 26 question multiple choice exam paper (pass mark 19).

Intermediate: includes practical elements and a 45 question multiple choice exam paper (pass mark 27).

Full: A single theoretical knowledge based exam, no practical assessment. 62 question multiple choice exam paper (pass mark 37).

Each licence must be gained in order of progression, the first two levels have practical elements, which are assessed on site by the training team. The ‘Full’ licence is based on a candidate’s theoretical knowledge of the relevant subject matter.

Please visit the Cornwall Radio Club YouTube Channel and Subscribe.


**Number of passes for each Licence 2017/2018**

Foundation Pass: 13 (as from 8th April 2018)
Intermediate Pass: 13
Full Pass: 1

Trevor G4BHD, Roger G40CO, Pete G0PNM, and Callum G5XDX broadcast the weekly RSGB news service on our GB3NC repeater
Trevor G4BHD, Roger G40CO, Pete G0PNM, and Callum G5XDX broadcast the weekly RSGB news service on our GB3NC repeater


There are many ways to be involved in amateur radio. Many of them require you to join with other Hams to share knowledge or present a united front on frequency allocations for example. So please consider joining the RSGB where you will be welcome. Log in on https://rsgb.org.uk and join


The repeater group is also a membership organisation. It runs the repeaters and beacons for Amateur Radio and Short Wave listeners in Cornwall. It needs your help to do this, so please subscribe or donate to the Mid Cornwall Beacon and repeater group. Thank you!

There are local clubs in Cornwall and they too will welcome you as a member. Try these!


Cornish Radio Amateur club


Radio Operators Cornwall GX8ROC



Newquay and District ARS


Poldhu Radio club


Callington Radio Club


Saltash Radio Club


Interested in Amateur TV - Why not join The British Amateur TV Club.

Only £8 for a years Cyber membership but with loads of useful into and projects to help get you on air.

Locally we have GB3NQ our 23cm ATY repeater. You can look in on the net for G8LCE or GOKTD who will often be streaming the video sent via the repeater.

Where to obtain your radios and accessories

Wessex House, Drake Avenue
Staines Middlesex.

Unit 1 Fitzherbert Spur
Farlington Portsmouth
Hampshire PO6 1TT

Unit 1 Fitzherbert Spur
Farlington Portsmouth
Hampshire P06 1TT

263 Walsall Road,Great Wyrley
Walsall, WS66DL

Cranfield Road Woburn Sands
Buckinghamshire MK17 8UR

Keep your Eyes & Ears open for our AGM - See you there, 73!